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Messages - Contor

Pages: [1]
Davies Family / Re: The Morgue
« on: January 11, 2025, 03:15:52 AM »

I would love to read the second section of the Morgue that "ecb" mentions in this thread.  I found "Some Davies Letters and Papers (aka the Morgue) 1889-1897" in the database and thoroughly enjoyed it... I tried searching the "morgue" and a few other word combinations such as "Peter Davies Collection" (referencing the seven volumes of the Morgue that are mentioned in the site's introduction page) but on the database the first one is the only page that came up in the search engine... any leads or links would be greatly appreciated!

I'm so impressed and thankful for all the hard work you've put into this site, Andrew.  It truly is an astonishing feat and allows us to really appreciate this family's incredible history in an unprecedented way.  Thank you!
Davies Family / Re: What happened to Josephine Mitchell Innes?
« on: July 10, 2021, 04:00:14 PM »
Very helpful!  Thank you, Andrew!  I really appreciate all the work you put into this site and sharing your knowledge with us all!
Davies Family / What happened to Josephine Mitchell Innes?
« on: June 21, 2021, 09:39:38 PM »
Hello, everyone!  I really appreciate this forum and community!  Thank you for so much useful shared information!

I was curious if anybody knows what became of Josephine Mitchell Innes?  Who was secretly engaged to George when he went to the Front?  Did she ever marry?  She seems to vanish from the narrative after George's death... do any letters between her and George survive?  I've found the fascinating audio recordings of her sister Norma recounting tales from their side of the story and that led me to wonder about Josephine... any information would be helpful!

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