« on: November 17, 2009, 07:09:23 PM »
Hi Andrew! Hi Stacey!
Lovely to read your posts. Ironically, I am just visiting the site and the forum for the first time today, as I've recently been commissoned to write a play 'inspired' by the meeting of Peter Davies and Alice Liddell in 1932 for production at two regional theatres in the United States in 2011.
Though I think where my project will differ from yours, Stacey is that I believe what I'm to write won't be a pure biography of Mr. Davies - but will rather focus on the complex themes of identity in the face of maturation as experienced by Alice and Peter in the face of being the child muses for such complicated men as Lewis Caroll and J.M. Barrie.
The similarities of the relationships between the Carroll/Lidell sisters and Barrie/Davies boys is fascinating and eerily similar. Both stories surrounded by a certain idealism of youth, a healthy amount of loss and estrangement, unclear motives, dutiful obligation, family regret and of course love.
Its going to be a fun project to work on - and I'm really grateful to have found this site, Andrew to help foster research and ideas. And lovely to read, Stacey that another artist is also working on a creative piece about Davies. There is room for a 100 plays on Barrie and the remarkable story of the people who surrounded him!