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Messages - brigitte France

Pages: [1]
JMBarrie / Re: Could you please help me about Barrie's genealogy ?
« on: July 20, 2012, 08:05:33 PM »

Thank you very much for your help !

I'm student in a french psychotherapy school. I need to write an article so i chose this subject. This article will not be published and will be confidential.
I want to see if there are some links between his family's story and his works.
I particulary need to know if they were traumas in his family's story:  diseases, death of premature babies, stillborn infants, women dying during birth. I'm also looking for genealogic trees.
I need these informations on his mother's and father's sides on two generations or more... (his grand parents and great-grand parents).

Thank you very much !
JMBarrie / Could you please help me about Barrie's genealogy ?
« on: June 20, 2012, 08:04:48 PM »

I'm a french reader of James matthew Barrie and i'm actually working on he's books.

I'm  actually working on he's genealogic tree: familial history, dates, birth and death certificates, mournings, sufferings...

Does someone have any information about that upon he's grand parents level (familly Barrie & family Ogilivy & family Mitchell & family Edwards)?
Thank you all for your much appreciated help  :) !

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