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Messages - Elfinwaffle

Pages: [1]
Peter Pan / Re: Peter Pan as Death - Dissertation help
« on: November 07, 2012, 11:53:22 PM »

New to the site so I've not really said much at all.

I'm doing my dissertation on Peter Pan and the Images of Childhood within the various texts. So far my interpretation of Neverland and Peter Pan is more of the transition between childhood and adulthood. When we are introduced to the Lost Boys it is mentioned that as some of them attempt to grow up Peter 'thins them out'. Peter forbids the act of growing up among the Lost Boys and tries to keep them young like him, but because they are in fact boys that fell from their prams and not 'ethereal' fairy like birds like Peter is (excuse my inaccuracies please, I'm still learning  ;D) they effectively must grow up. Wendy herself is taken there to take on the role of mother, and as such as almost forced to grow up and so far I’ve understood her returning to her home and continuing wither her transition into adulthood as her choice not to remain a child forever and commit to growing up.

I do believe you are right though in thinking that Neverland is Barrie's way of coping with death and perhaps would rather give death a 'reality' rather than accept the finality of it.

So maybe rather than him being the personification for actual death in the sense of being buried and no longer living, perhaps Peter is the personification of life, and the continuation of life as a child and retaining childishness and innocence rather than the 'death' of childhood in becoming an adult. After all isn’t wasn’t Peter Pan in Little White Bird originally intended for adults, and as far as I understand (you can thank my tutor for this bit) Barrie was in fact endeavouring to encourage adults to reconnect with their childhood and have a deeper sense of appreciation for children and the wonderfully exciting world that children create for themselves through make believe?

I'm probably wrong on alot of accounts, but there are a few books you should check out. The Case of Peter Pan by Jaqueline Rose is a good start. Loads in there.

Wishing you all the best with your Diss.

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