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Peter Pan / Re: First Peter Pan Non-English Production?
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:31:39 PM »
Thank you for your reply! Thanks to the help I received I was able to conclude that the letter I was researching was genuine. I bought it! I'm going to cry with joy when I'll finally have it in my hands!

Peter Pan / Re: The ANNOTATED PETER PAN edited by Maria Tatar
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:16:51 PM »
Bought it! Can't wait to have it delivered!  ;D
Peter Pan / Re: Peter Pan, edited by Anne Hiebert Alton
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:12:34 PM »
I bought it too!  :D
Peter Pan / First Peter Pan Non-English Production?
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:29:32 AM »
Hello to everyone, long time no see!
Does anybody know when the first stage production of Peter Pan on a not-British stage was?
I know the play was on stage in Paris in 1908 (and possibly before?), but I don't know what the year was of the first ever not-British production.
I'm particularly interested in Germany, but any date can be useful. I'm doing a research on some letters, so if anybody can help I'll be forever grateful!

JMBarrie / Barrie 2010 - participate!
« on: April 09, 2010, 07:48:44 PM »
Lis Hill, co-ordinator of Barrie 2010, the series of events in Kirriemuir to celebrate JMB was kind enough to mail me the full programme of events. Everybody can participate to these events and even do something to help. For instance, since I am a photographer, I will be taking photos of Kirriemuir and then leave them to the Heritage Trust to use them as they see fit for free.

Hope to see many of you in lovely Kirriemuir in a month time! Andrew I will be seeing you on the 9th!

Remember, everybody can visit for further information.

Kisses to all,

Alice J. Redaelli

                                           Barrie 2010 Full Programme

In a tribute to the town’s most famous son, Kirriemuir Heritage Trust presents a packed programme of events designed to appeal to children and adults of all ages and tastes. This is a great opportunity to join in the celebrations. There’s something for everyone: drama, literary events including readings and book signings by a host of authors, story telling, writing workshops, folk music, drama workshops, puppets, dance, poetry, opportunities to trace your ancestors, exhibitions, guided walks and much, much more.

The first weekend, Saturday & Sunday 8/9 May, is packed with events to celebrate the Birthday itself.
On the middle weekend, Saturday & Sunday 15/16 May, Kirriemuir will buzz as the Mini Arts Festival hits town. Over the two days, there will be arts and craft related activities designed to appeal to both children and adults (see separate programme or go on the website for up-to-date announcements). On Saturday 15th, Kirriemuir Town Hall is the place to catch up with a Local History and Genealogy Fair, one of a series promoted by Angus Council under the Tayroots banner.
The highlight of the final weekend of the festival, Friday to Sunday 21/23 May, is the performance on the 15th and 16th by Splinters Productions of a new play Home to Neverland in which Barrie as the narrator links excerpts from his plays. The event, promoted by Angus Council, is followed on Sunday 23rd by two drama workshops for children. The festival will be rounded off with a grand ceilidh featuring the best of Scottish traditional music and song by many of the best and most talented performers in Angus and beyond

In addition to these events, the National Trust for Scotland is promoting a number of events at its properties in Angus. For further details look on the NTS website or follow the link on       

Friday  May 7, Evening: Welcome Receptio, Airlie Arms Hotel, 7.30pm

Saturday May 8, all day:Meet the Author, Book Readings and Signings at various venues

Saturday May 8, Afternoon: MASTER of STORY,a tribute to J.M. Barrie through his own life and work with Donald Smith of the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh at Northmuir Hall, 2.30pm, Tickets: £5

Saturday May 8, Evening: The Ball of Kirriemuir, Scottish and Old Time Dancing with Colin Dewar and his Band at the Kirriemuir Town Hall, 7.30pm, Tickets for Dancers £6.50 and for Spectators  £5.Obtainable from Jim Smith 01575 574435 and

Sunday May 9, Afternoon: Meet the Author, Book Readings and Signings at various venues

Sunday May 9, Evening: A Birthday Tribute where Andrew Birkin, author of "J M Barrie and the Lost Boys", is interviewed by Scottish broadcaster and author Lesley Riddoch
Glens. Kirriemuir Old Parish Church, 7.30pm, Tickets £7.50  £6

Sunday May 9: Meet the Author, Book Readings and Signings at the Airlie Arms Hotel, 7pm

Monday May 10, Morning: Meet the Author, Book Readings and Signings at various venues

Monday May 10, Afternoon: Tinker Bell Talks, Linda Swisher ‘s one-woman show with recorded inserts from many of those involved with the Disney version of Peter Pan
Venue to be Announced

Monday May 10, Evening: Grand Commemorative Concert, world-class entertainment celebrating life in Angus as Barrie knew it. Kirriemuir Town Hall, 7.30pm,Tickets £7.50  £6

Tuesday May 11, Afternoon: Tinker Bell Talks, Linda Swisher ‘s one-woman show with recorded inserts from many of those involved with the Disney version of Peter Pan
Venue to be Announced

Tuesday May 11, Evening: Evening of Traditional  Music and Song, Angus Folk, Guest Star Sheena Wellington. Glens and Kirriemuir Old Parish Church, 7.30pm, Tickets obtainable from

Wednesday May 12, Evening: "Speaking of Barrie", an evening of talks, readings and fun.
Strathmore Speakers Club, Northmuir  Hall, 7.30pm, Tickets  £4  £3
Available from  Jim Smith 01575 574435

Thursday 13  May to Saturday May 15:
Exhibition of Christening Gowns and a Selection of Barrie Memorabilia
St Andrews Church, Kirriemuir,

Thursday May 13, Evening: Tinker Bell Talks, Linda Swisher ‘s one-woman show with recorded inserts from many of those involved with the Disney version of Peter Pan
Venue to be Announced

Friday May 14, Evening: Disney Film Night, a special showing of the DVD of the original models for Walt Disney’s Peter Pan. Airlie Arms Hotel, 7pm

Saturday 15 May, All Day: Local History and Genealogy Fair, Angus Council in conjunction with Tayroots. Kirriemuir Town Hall 10 – 5,

Saturday May 15 - Sunday May 16: Mini Arts Festival

Friday May 21 - Saturday May 22: Splinters Productions presents "Home to Neverland", a new play in which Barrie as the narrator links excerpts from his plays. Kirriemuir Town Hall,

Sunday May 23, Morning: Children’s Drama Workshop 9 - 12 years. Kirriemuir Town Hall,
10am – 12noon

Sunday May 23, Afternoon: Children’s Drama Workshop 9 - 12 years. Kirriemuir Town Hall, 1pm – 3pm

Sunday 23rd May, Evening: Farewell Event. Come and join the fun. Help us to celebrate the end of  Kirriemuir’s fortnight of celebration not only of J M Barrie, the man and his work, but also  the richness of Scottish culture, music and dance. Airlie Arms Hotel, 7.30pm, Tickets £6

May 7 - May 23: Daily Guided Walks, Burgh Heritage Trail and Paths Network

June 3 - June 6: Angus Glens Walking Festival including Barrie Walk in Glen Prosen and Kirriemuir Town Trail. Angus Glens

June 16 -  June 19: KIST Community Drama, Caddam Woods

Saturday September 4th: Commemorative Cricket Match, Kirrie Hill

For up to date information about events marked provisional and for more events throughout the fortnight, please refer to where you will also find information about how to book

The information contained in this publication is correct at the time of going to press. Kirriemuir Heritage Trust reserves the right to alter the advertised programme. Please consult the website for the most up-to-date details

Davies Family / Re: Location of the graves of Peter, Jack and Nico
« on: June 02, 2009, 07:02:42 PM »
I remember Michael's grave to be clearly marked too.

If I remember well, Nico was cremated and his ashes scattered in his beloved Kent. I don't know if his name has been added to the family grave as a memorial but by now but he isn't technically buried there.


General topic / Photography Exhibition (Mary Rose)
« on: April 16, 2009, 10:03:03 PM »
Hello to everyone! It's been a long time...I always lurk around but I can't seem to find the time to write something.

In fact I've been quite busy...I was preparing my first solo exhibition, and I finally made it! Now I can recuperate my energy and my sleep.

This work was about British literature with its ghostly beings. One of the photos is actually on Mary Rose (and it's my favourite)...I thought that maybe you all would be interested in seeing it? And you can write your reviews!!

If somebody is in Milan, you can go visit the exhibition at:
Cape Town Cafè
via Vigevano 3
7:00am - 2.00am Tuesday - Saturday
6.00pm - 2.00am Sunday
Monday closed
Free entry

Here's the link!

Kisses, and extra ones to those who tell me what they think of it!

General topic / Re: Saying Hi
« on: December 24, 2008, 08:56:12 PM »
No need to apologise! Introducing oneself is always a good don't usually see people doing this around here just because most of us already know each other throught other forums and mailing lists.

Welcome aboard!

Davies Family / Re: The White Chateau
« on: July 14, 2007, 08:17:35 PM »
I'll be sure to send you an email with any photos I will take...I so hope it won't rain in Ypres, it would be really annoying...but I won't complain!

I did stumble first in JMB and the Davies boys when I was six...and of course it involved Peter Pan. Barrie's other works are so poorly known in comparison with Peter Pan, and being just a child I was eventually bound to encounter the Boy who won't grow up. I was really enamoured with him, I must say! My family wasn't in a really happy situation, and so Neverland did became my own escape...just like the Darling brothers. So one of the first things I did was try to find all the movie versions I could find about Peter Pan, included the Disney one, Peter Pan no Boken, and then Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates. Then I got my hands on the book...and I was enchanted again. I know that I said I was just a child, but I've been more mature than most children, thank to an high IQ and a passion for studying, so I've been able to appreciate this Barrie work very  early. But obtaining the other works of JMB or even biographical informations was really really difficult, but then it began the Internet era and so it came the end of my problems! So I began researching the Web for informations about JMB, and ordering books, and so discovered more and more about him and the Davies boys...I must say I was really lucky because I could begin to use the Internet very early thanks to my father's work. The rest it's history...I'm 24 now! And this means I spent the last 18 years studying and reading everything I could get my hands on!
Davies Family / Re: The White Chateau
« on: July 13, 2007, 12:01:07 PM »
Yeah, I had tought it would be difficult for the White Chateau to still be standing...the region around Ypres was badly affected by the war, Ypres itself was almost entirely destroyed...

If you can find the directions to the site of the Chateu I would be eternally grateful to you! But if you don't have the time it's not a problem...I don't want to be an annoyance.

Davies Family / The White Chateau
« on: July 07, 2007, 11:12:32 PM »
This is my first message from me in this forum...but I've been lurking around here for ages! I'm a bit shy so I hope you'll forgive me for this long silence.

Well...I don't know if somebody has read George's last letter to JMB, the one in which he mentions the white chateau, and how it made him feel a romantic...I think there's even a picture of it in the database. I'm visiting Flanders in two weeks and I'm going to visit George's grave at Voormezele Cemetery, and I'd like to seize the opportunity and even see this infamous white chateau, if it's still standing and everything. Does anybody know its exact location?

To Andrew: I read your book about JMB and the boys...let me tell you that I've been studying them since I was a little girl and I'm not easily pleased, and here in Italy is really difficult to read some good material about them...then I read your book and I was overwhelmed. Then I ordered the TV series with Ian Holm...owerwhelmed again. Really, and I mean really, good work.
Now I'm planning to read all the other books about them I can get my hands I think that Robert Greenham will hear from me pretty soon.

By the way..I'm sorry if you find some errors in my messages, English is not my native language.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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