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Messages - Nicholas

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I remember having seen a photograph taken in about 1915 of JMB, GBS, G. du Maurier and many other actors and literary people assembled on the roof of a theatre, perhaps the London Coliseum. It was possible a war charity event. Can anyone help me relocate it? I've tried the database on this website but with no success, probably because I was putting in the wrong information.

I found it on page 34 of the Database.
General topic / Re: Strange but True department.
« on: August 31, 2023, 12:27:10 AM »
Blackadder Blows Off? It doesn't quite work, does it.
General topic / Strange but True department.
« on: August 30, 2023, 03:28:17 PM »
As far as I know Andrew has never mentioned this. Sir Henry Birkin, better known as Tim Birkin, was a famous racing car driver in the 1920s and early 1930s. One of his daughters married, not once but twice, into the Buxton family and was known socially as "Lady Buxton". So, a cousin of Andrew's married two cousins of Rupert's (please note:at different times). Now, I don't hold with conspiracy theories but ...
Davies Family / Arthur and Alex Waugh
« on: May 19, 2021, 09:10:37 PM »
The New Yorker magazine of 2 July 2007 prints an interesting review of Alexander Waugh's "Fathers and Sons" by Joan Acocella. The book is about father-son relationships in five generations of the Waugh family. The Brute begat Arthur who begat both Evelyn and his older, but now less well known brother Alec. Evelyn begat Auberon who begat Alexander. I hope all is clear. Here is a quotation:

"No man ever loved a child more than Arthur loved Alec - 'son of my soul,' as  he called him. He seems to have spent almost every hour of his non-work time talking to the boy, reading to him, taking walks with him. When Alec went away to his father's alma mater, Sherborne, the child and the school fused, in Arthur's mind, into one refulgent idol. He spent every weekend at Sherborne, visiting Alec and his friends, whom he wooed to become his friends. He said that he dreamed every night of being a new boy at the school. He and Alec wrote to each other daily, and Arthur awaited Alec's letters, Alexander says, like a teen-ager in love".

Now, this is far from exactly the same as the relationship between JMB and Michael, but it is striking to think that at more or less the same time as daily letters were going back and forth between Eton and the Adelphi, the same was happening between Sherborne and Golders Green, and I wonder how common this kind of obsessive communication was. We only know about these two cases because of the celebrity of some of the people involved, and because they committed their thoughts to paper. Now of course we have emails, text messages, whatsapp and so on, which leave little trace - except in that big computer in the desert. So here's a plea for more understanding of Barry's loneliness and emptiness: he wasn't/isn't/never will be the only one. As the review continues:

"Alexander thinks that Arthur, because of his tortured relations with the Brute, never had a proper childhood. Now he had one: Alec's".

This biography of the sculptor Tomlin was privately published in 2020. It contains some slight but interesting information for readers of this forum. Tomlin was a contemporary of Rupert Buxton's at Harrow where they had a friendly rivalry as the leading literary figures. Tomlin went on to New College, Oxford about the same time Buxton went to Christ Church, but it is not clear how close they were at University. As Tomlin was brought up in Bayswater, the authors wonder whether he may have encountered the Llewelyn Davies family. Bea Howe, sister of actor George Howe, claimed that Tomlin knew Michael well and suffered a mental breakdown when he heard of his death, and in consequence had to leave Oxford. Bea supplied this information to Oliver Garnett, Tomlin's first biographer, where he repeats it. But as Tomlin had left Oxford about 18 months before the drowning, Bloch & Fox consider this a dubious claim. Given the tiny world of Eton, Harrow and Oxford these encounters are unavoidable and one wonders how much weight to give them.   
JMBarrie / Re: JM Barrie’s will
« on: October 31, 2019, 04:39:20 PM »
Michael probably died intestate so the money went to the head of Michael's branch of the Llewelyn-Davies family, John.
JMBarrie / Re: JM Barrie’s will
« on: September 25, 2019, 02:21:11 PM »
Michael left £5083 2s 3d to his brother John.  Rupert left £21,696 12s 2d to his brother Sir Thomas F. Buxton.
Source: Principle Probate Register
Davies Family / Re: Oxford County Coroner's records
« on: August 29, 2019, 12:09:12 AM »
I am not sure what would be considered "quite right" about any drowning.  Of course, Oxford and Christchurch did not want a scandal, but that does not mean that either institution faked evidence. You say the more you read the more you think Rupert might have drowned Michael; but what have you been reading? The descriptions of the event by the witnesses are clear and indicate that Michael got into difficulties (after all he could not swim) and Rupert swam over to him, in my opinion to see what was wrong.  But you like to cast Rupert as a murderer, so he has to swim over to Michael, push him under and then drown himself.  Why?  Did Rupert hate Michael?  Did he think that Michael really wanted to die?  Did he think that the pair of them were better off dead?  Was Rupert completely deluded and should not be held responsible for his actions?  Rupert did not throw Michael into Sandford Pool so maybe Michael lured Rupert over to drag him down.  Maybe Michael was deluded and should not be held responsible.  Maybe it was just a hopeless string of silly errors (the worst of which was that Michael should never have gone into deep water) and neither of them intended to die that afternoon.
As this question of suicide/murder keeps coming up I think that some people just want it to be true and nothing will will ever dissuade them.
Davies Family / Re: Oxford County Coroner's records
« on: August 25, 2019, 09:43:52 PM »
Were you sitting on a Grassy Knoll when you read Dudgeon's book? 

Let me explain: The University employed a local solicitor to act as coroner.  In the nature of their work solicitors collect a vast amount of paper work which has to be stored at their own expense.  After a few years have passed they burn or just chuck out as much bumf as possible so they are not overwhelmed by it.  The solicitors probably neither knew nor cared about Michael and Rupert.
Davies Family / Re: Davies photo album for sale at Sotheby's
« on: July 31, 2019, 07:30:10 PM »
Thanks a lot Andrew.  What a beautiful family they were.
Davies Family / Re: Oxford County Coroner's records
« on: July 20, 2019, 07:57:07 PM »
Christ Church did not appoint the coroner, but the University did.
Davies Family / Re: Oxford County Coroner's records
« on: July 15, 2019, 11:24:21 AM »
I received the following reply from the University Archivist:
Dear Nicholas
We do not hold the records of the University Coroner.  I recall making enquiries of a local firm of solicitors, a partner of which had been the last to hold the office, about these records some years ago when I came to the conclusion that they had not survived.
Regards etc

One door closes, another slams in your face.

Davies Family / Oxford County Coroner's records
« on: July 13, 2019, 10:27:21 PM »
I have been saying that inquest records would be available from the Oxford County Coroner's office, but rereading the contemporary notices of the inquest I realise that it was conducted by one of the University coroners, a Mr F.E. Marshall and the chairman of the jury was the Dean of Christchurch and so was an internal University affair. So inquiries will have to be made to Oxford University.
Davies Family / Re: Michael’s Death
« on: June 16, 2019, 04:10:57 PM »
mb0521 All the answers to your questions are here on this website, you just have look. As far as the accident goes there is nothing more to be said - unless new information comes along. If you would like to break new ground, you could try writing to the current head of the Hogg family and see if they have kept any correspondence from their relative Edward Marjoribanks, who was a friend of Michael's and was deeply disturbed by his death.  If you do find something please share it.
Davies Family / Re: Michael’s Death
« on: June 13, 2019, 04:30:41 PM »
This was 1921 and just after a world war when tens of thousands of young men were killed.  The coroner was not necessarily a medical man, and even if he was he may not have been willing to undertake a full post mortem if foul play was not suspected. I doubt that information was deliberately withheld but drownings of undergraduates were/are not uncommon and the coroner would not have wanted to delay the burial of the two boys.  Please do not make up a conspiracy theory.  Michael had arrived at Oxford with a group of friends he had known at Eton and he had outgrown them.  Who knows why they didn't ride bicycles?  Or maybe they did, and no one bothered to mention it.
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