JMBarrie / Re: barrie's siblings
« on: August 18, 2010, 06:10:41 AM »
I'm a Los Angeles Police Detective and I am working a case where we found several items and letter that might have belonged to a Jean Barrie. The letters were dated from the mid 1920's to 1930's. If anyone has any information on a female Jean Barrie who lived in Los Angeles and was a nurse during that time please contact me at 35282@lapd.lacity.org or at (213) 486-0577.
I'm a Los Angeles Police Detective and I am working a case where we found several items and letter that might have belonged to a Jean Barrie. The letters were dated from the mid 1920's to 1930's. If anyone has any information on a female Jean Barrie who lived in Los Angeles and was a nurse during that time please contact me at 35282@lapd.lacity.org or at (213) 486-0577.