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Messages - Carrie

Pages: [1]
Peter Pan / Re: Peter & Wendy (TV film)
« on: December 26, 2015, 11:51:14 PM »
This sounds great! Any news about when it will become available in the US?
Peter Pan / Barrie's last involvement with stage production
« on: December 26, 2015, 11:50:17 PM »
Hello all:
It's been a while since I've been on the forum, and I'm delighted be diving back into some of my research on Barrie and Peter Pan.

I was hoping that someone could help me determine when Barrie stopped actively participating in the stage production of _Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Would Not Grow Up_. Hanson mentions some modifications that Barrie made to the production starring Jean Forbes-Robertson, but I don't see any later mentions. Does anyone know when/why he stopped taking an active role?

My apologies if this is answered in one of the biographies--I'm traveling for the holidays and am away from my usual resources. Thank you for your help!
Peter Pan / Re: First Performance Rumours
« on: May 03, 2011, 05:07:17 PM »
Hi KStirling,

GOSH is right, I was just thinking about a reprint of the original article. I must have had a major brain lapse when responding to your post. Sorry about that. I'm sure you've probably already heard of it, but if not, Donna White and Anita Tarr's _Peter Pan In and Out of Time_ might be another text to add to your bibliography

 I am working on a PhD dissertation (the Peter Pan material is for one of the chapters), and I would love to talk to about our shared interests further!

Thanks, I know the article and the reprints of it. But no BOOK expanding on the article, as Carrie mentioned? I've found no trace of it, but she made me wonder. Does GOSH maintain a bibliography of PP criticism?
Peter Pan / Re: The Lion's Tail
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:36:53 PM »
Thank you KStirling - that's hugely helpful. I really need to get to the Beinecke library to look at their materials. Since you've looked at the 1905 typescripts, do you happen to remember if they refer to Capt. Hook blowing up the Eton Magazine in that version? I know it comes up in later textual versions, but I'm trying to track down the first theatrical reference. Thanks for your help!
Peter Pan / Mrs. Farnham's statue of Peter
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:33:42 PM »
Does anybody know anything about Mrs. Sallie James Farnham's statue of Peter Pan? It is described as an expression of Peter as "Joy" from the "I am youth...I am Joy..." line. An article from Good Housekeeping mentions the large statue as well as several smaller replicas sold as novelty items, but I've never come across anything about it before.
Peter Pan / Re: The Lion's Tail
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:04:17 PM »
Jay - thanks for the response!

I've found yet another reference to the lion scene though, in an article from a 1906 issue of  _Good Housekeeping_, which leads me to believe that one of the early performances must have included Peter pulling the tail off a lion. The article states: "Michael begged away from Peter the tail which our hero had cut from a lion who was prowling about Wendy's house. Michael wished to give it to his dog nurse. 'Nana has such a scrubby tail,' he said, and that a lion's tail should do, is only another delightful fancy of this wonderful play.''

Since both the _Good Housekeeping_ article and the alphabet book are American productions, I'm guessing that this lion scene might come from an American performance? Maybe one with Maude Adams? If anybody knows its source, I'd love to find it.

Also, as Jay mentioned, there are lots of strange references in Herford's alphabet book, but many of them do come from previous performances or texts. I'm wondering if some of the odder ones (like the White House or the Blackbeard Joe references) might also come from previous sources. Ideas?
Peter Pan / The Lion's Tail
« on: April 05, 2011, 04:26:17 PM »
I came across a reference to Peter pulling off a lion's tail in Oliver Herford's "The Peter Pan Alphabet" (1907). Does anybody know what this is a reference to? Does Peter confront a lion in any of the early versions (stage or text)?
Peter Pan / What do you think Peter looks like?
« on: February 17, 2011, 11:54:00 PM »
Hi all:

I'm sure that when you think of Peter Pan, some image pops into your mind. I'm just wondering what that image might be. Peter and Wendy tells us that "He was a lovely boy, clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that ooze out of the trees, but the most entrancing thing about him was that he had all his first teeth." Are there any other details that you automatically imagine?

Is there a particular illustrated or filmed version that comes to mind? Rackham? Bedford? Woodward? White? Disney? Hogan? Brom? others?

What about the other characters? Where do your imaginings of Tinkerbell, Hook, the Lost Boys, Smee, Tiger Lily, etc. come from? What do they look like?
Peter Pan / Re: First Performance Rumours
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:31:04 AM »
Thank you so much for your suggestions. I am familiar with Henson's
_Peter Pan Chronicles_ (although I didn't know they were releasing a
new edition) and Hollingdale's _Hundred Years of Peter Pan_(he
expanded on the article in his book of the same title). I've also
scoured the databases pretty thoroughly. Unfortunately, I still
haven't come across any information about those first performance
rumors. I think I'll have to keep digging into the archive in hopes of
coming across them, so if you happen to come across anything, let me

The political implications of the different adaptations are
fascinating, and it's something I certainly want to look into. I have
heard of the National Theatre of Scotland production, but I didn't
realize that they made such significant changes. I'll have to look
into that further. Thank you for the tip.

One idea about the adaptations that particularly interests me is how
they affect our understanding of the overall Peter Pan text. For
instance, when you read Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, do you
automatically have the Peter and Wendy story in mind? Or when you read
about Hook, do you automatically think about his future as Hook? Do
you think we can ever really detach ourselves from these adaptations
when we read the earlier versions?
Peter Pan / First Performance Rumours
« on: January 20, 2011, 09:32:40 PM »
Hello fellow Peter Pan fans:

I am also working on my dissertation, and one of my chapters focuses on the similarities between consuming early versions of Peter Pan and experiencing our modern adaptations of it today. In the section that I'm currently writing, I'm trying to collect audience reactions to the first performance of the play (on Dec. 27th, 1904). Roger Green's _Fifty Years_ and Andrew Birkin's _J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys_ have been very helpful. In Birkin's biography, I came across the following reference: "Wild rumours soon began to appear in print about the nature of Mr Barrie's eagerly awaited new play, and the Duke of York's management were obliged to recruit additional guards to stop enterprising journalists from sneaking into the theatre" (110). Does anybody know where these "wild rumours" occurred or what they said? Since they appeared "in print," I'm hoping that I can track them down.

Thank you for your help. I love this site, and I know I'll be using it much more in the future!

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