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Messages - Allahakbarrie

Pages: [1]
JMBarrie / Re: Daphne du Maurier Literary Festival May 14 2011
« on: May 26, 2011, 12:57:35 PM »
Thank you, Smee! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
JMBarrie / Daphne du Maurier Literary Festival May 14 2011
« on: May 10, 2011, 02:35:12 PM »
I will be giving a talk on my book Peter Pan's First XI (on the subject of Barrie's cricket team the Allahakbarries) at the Daphne du Maurier Literary festival in Fowey, Cornwall, on May 14 at 10am.

Details are here:

Come along if you can.

Kevin Telfer
JMBarrie / The Yellow Week at Stanway
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:19:32 AM »
An excerpt from a film made by J. M. Barrie called The Yellow Week at Stanway has been posted on the Amazon page for my book Peter Pan's First XI:

This excerpt was shot in 1923 and shows Nico Llewelyn Davies and friends playing cricket at the Stanway ground where Barrie spent many of his summers in the 1920s.

I believe that this is the only place on the internet where any part of this film can be viewed.

There is more information about the film on the BFI website:

JMBarrie / Re: Frank Thurston (& Peter Pan's First XI)
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:49:16 PM »
Dear Robert,

Many thanks for your exceptionally detailed post that at first glance seems to point out a discrepancy in Peter Pan's First XI.

In my own notes taken from the Farnham, Haslemere and Hindhead Herald, I see that I have written down 247 in the text but 257 in the scorecard. I would have to return to the source to find out whether this discrepancy was a typo or one that also appeared in the newspaper report -- I suspect it is the former, in which case I shall make sure it is changed for any future reprints.

Why do I highlight Pawling's contribution in this game? Well, because he has already been established as a character in the Allahakbarries story whereas Meyrick-Jones and Marsden were not regular players for the side.

As for the venue, I shall have to interrogate my notes further before I get back to you.

But thanks for bringing these points to my attention, and for your endorsement of the book -- I'm glad you've been enjoying it.

Peter Pan / Re: Peter Pan wiki
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:33:38 AM »
5ft 3 IS certainly short for a man, and a number of photographs show that Barrie was rather dwarfed by his contemporaries such as Arthur Conan Doyle. One of his fellow Allahakbarries remarked that 'he was small, frail and sensitive, rather awkward in his
movements, and there was nothing athletic in his appearance'. Barrie was a small man.

But I agree with Robert Greenham that he made up for his physical stature in many other ways:

Was ever set so huge a heart
Within so small a frame?
So much of tenderness and grace
Confined in such a slender space

JMBarrie / Re: Frank Thurston (& Peter Pan's First XI)
« on: March 31, 2010, 08:31:25 AM »
Thanks, Andrew. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to Kirriemuir for your lecture on May 9 as I am due to visit the following Friday but best of luck with it.
JMBarrie / Frank Thurston (& Peter Pan's First XI)
« on: March 23, 2010, 04:06:17 PM »
Hi Andrew.

I've just returned from India where I've been for the past six months, hence my absence from this message board.

I have been thinking about Frank Thurston quite a bit in recent weeks and wondering what happened to him. He sounded like a fascinating character and P. G. Wodehouse mentioned him in a late interview in the 1970s as being rather like a real-life Jeeves. Do you know anything about his life after Barrie? Was he with him until the end? I was planning on doing a bit more digging around this, but please let me know if you have any information that you're able to share with me.

Other news is that Peter Pan's First XI, the account of the Allahakbarries and their adventures, is being published on May 13 by Hodder. People in Kirrieimuir are trying to organise a cricket match but there is certainly going to be a re-enactment of the 'test match' between Mary de Navarro's side and the Allahakbarries taking place in Broadway on June 20 as part of the Broadway Arts Festival:

I hope to make it to some of the Barrie 150 events in Kirriemuir myself and it would be a privilege to meet you there.

I'll update the forum with any further news about the cricket match.

All best wishes,
Kevin Telfer
Davies Family / Mary Hodgson's name
« on: May 15, 2009, 10:48:53 AM »
I just bought a 1922 copy of Barrie's Courage address. Inside it there is an inscription:

Dorothy Mary Hodgson
Her Book

With Barbara's Love
Christmas 1929

The coincidence is impossible to overlook. Is this THE Mary Hodgson (and her real first name Dorothy) or is this someone else completely?

Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.

JMBarrie / The Dead Donkey
« on: May 05, 2009, 02:07:26 PM »
Has anyone come across a Barrie work which he calls 'The Dead Donkey' in a letter to Mary de Navarro from 1923? He writes that it is now lost but I cannot find reference to it anywhere else either. He writes that he once showed it to Mary and that it is about himself.
JMBarrie / Re: Allahakbarrie photographs
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:10:17 PM »
Thank you, Andrew. I'm sure it's very much a long shot that anything else from Horne will turn up, but after a recent exciting find I have great faith that things are capable of appearing from the ether . . .

A further Allahakbarrie question, though. In the Lost Boys you cite 1890 as the first occasion that the Allahakbarries played. Yet Mackail and others say that it was in fact 1887. Do you disagree with them, and if you have a reason for doing so would you please let me know what it is.

Many thanks.
JMBarrie / Re: Allahakbarrie photographs
« on: February 20, 2009, 11:19:08 AM »
Thanks for your reply. I noticed the book about your grandmother, which looks very interesting, and I will certainly buy a copy.

I have the David Rayvern Allen book sitting next to me at the moment but it only features the exact same photograph from Black Lake Cottage in 1905 as Andrew Birkin's book with Michael Llewelyn Davies standing in the middle of the group holding a cricket ball. My quest at the moment is to try and track down the other pictures which were taken by Edgar Horne on that same day (and possibly others).

Horne lived at Hall Place in Shackleford just down the road from Lower Bourne, and the Allahakbarries played a number of games there. It is now Aldro preparatory school. He was, I believe, MP for South West Surrey from 1910 to 1922 and a chairman of Prudential Insurance.
JMBarrie / Allahakbarrie photographs
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:15:46 PM »
I am writing a book at the moment about Barrie's cricket team the Allahakbarries. I am trying to track down some pictures that were taken at Barrie's country hideaway Black Lake Cottage in 1905 by Edgar Horne. In the 2003 Yale University Press edition of The Lost Boys one of these photos appears on p.123. But Mackail, in his biography of Barrie, alludes to the fact that there were many more pictures taken on this occasion.

Please let me know if you have any idea where I can find these photographs or, indeed, any other photos of the Allahakbarries at play.

Many thanks,
Kevin Telfer

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