« on: September 24, 2009, 06:18:30 PM »
Hi Everyone,
I'm a senior at the University of Pennsylvania writing a senior honors thesis for the English department on cross-dressing in Peter Pan. I'm focusing on the root of this choice, how it was grounded in theatrical traditions of the time (like pantomime), how it relates to Barrie's life, and how it effects the gender relations in the text of the play itself. I'm using the original play and the Mary Martin musical as my main sources.
I've been doing a lot of research and was especially curious about our moderator's opinion the topic due to his relationship with the Mia Farrow movie and the Royal Shakespeare production in 1982. Could you tell us a little bit about the decision to have a male Peter and if/how that changed the show or the character? I can send more specific questions if you like, but specifically I'm interested in possibly using this production as a kind of counter-example.
Thank you so much for any help you can give me!!!