« on: September 02, 2010, 09:20:37 PM »
Hello! My name is Jeran, and I've been looking over the site for a few days, now. I'm an avid fan of Barrie's Peter Pan, and am glad there are places online to vent those fascinations.
I was wondering if anyone here was a fan of Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates. I didn't see any posts dedicated to it. I adored the show as a kid (I was 5), and recently purchased the entire series on DVD from a bootlegged source.
If you can get past the look of the characters, which stray alarmingly from Barrie's descriptions of them, I think it's a great series, and follows the book rather well. Peter is spoiled, obsessed with himself, pompous and rude, but also sweet, heroic, and friendly.
Hook, in particular, is great, at least in my opinion. Voiced by Tim Curry, he's the first and only version I've ever seen where he's not a coward. Quite the opposite, he's devilish, but also very sophisticated. Yes, it is a kid's cartoon show, so it can be rather silly at times, but all in all, he's a great Hook, and Tim Curry won an Emmy for the role.
The entire series is up on youtube.com, so if you haven't seen it and would like to, type in Peter Pan and the Pirates and have a go. Keep in mind I grew up with the show, so I'm biased.