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Messages - Lesley

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Davies Family / Nico and his brothers
« on: March 02, 2010, 08:14:38 PM »
Peter and Jack got depressed later on in their lives and Peter even killed himself in jumping in front of a train. What do you think happened to disturb them so deeply? Does it have anything to do with Barrie? Why wasn't Nico "affected"?
Dudgeon claims that everything is to blame Barrie and Nico wasn't affected because he didn't have the gift of a "dreamer "- hypnosis, which was initially what drew Barrie to the Davies boys. (RUBBISH!). and yes, i actually read the book. I still can't believe I spent money on that thing!!
Just wanted to hear what other people think.
Peter Pan / Re: Peter Pan in red
« on: October 08, 2009, 07:23:33 AM »
hehee!  ;D

Thanks to Andrew for the tips - I'll get in touch with Barrie's Birthplace and GOSH to find out more about the colour of Peter's early costumes and report back (if anyone's interested...).

YES! please do!

Huh. That's what I noticed, but I don't know what to do with it...

autumn leaves = dead leaves.
Peter Pan accompanies dead children
autumn leaves = brown, red, orange, . The colours of Jupiter. Jupiter is also the principal god of the Greek, where Barrie got also the "Pan", right? (I meen from greek mythology) maybe there's something? or maybe (probably) that's too far fetched. I don't know. Something to think about?
JMBarrie / Re: Piers Dudgeon and "Captivated"
« on: October 08, 2009, 07:11:03 AM »
apparently. I think living in a world of fantasy can be good or bad. Dud (;D) is DEFINITELY living in the bad world of wildest fantasy. Or at least the aftermath is awful...
And the being raving mad can be positive or negative as well. and well, dud IS raving mad. There is no better description.
General topic / Re: WORK AND PLAY
« on: September 20, 2009, 10:16:36 AM »
haha! i like that quote!  :D
Peter Pan / Re: 50 Years of PETER PAN (book)
« on: August 28, 2009, 11:57:57 AM »
I can't believe it!!!!! I just came home from a really crappy school day and everybody annoyed me beyond possibilities and I was shutting doors louder than necessary. And then, lying on our kitchen table, there it was. A book with a simple, crimson cover, a little stained here and there. I pick it up. My eyes focus on the golden writing on the back. I can't make it out right away, it is a bit faded. but then I read: FIFTY YEARS OF PETER PAN.
It is a first edition published by Peter Davies. oh. my. WORD!!
Oh my god!! I'm so excited!! My mom ordered it from amazon. It's unbelievable! I so have to start reading it right away. Alright, I'm shutting down my computer. Bye! a very very distraced and very very happy Lesley
General topic / Re: Finding Neverland
« on: August 23, 2009, 05:53:34 PM »
yes the part were Sylvia walks into Neverland is wonderful! and so cheesy ;) I love it.
General topic / Re: Finding Neverland
« on: August 22, 2009, 08:07:38 AM »
Yes Freddie Highmore is a wonderful actor! I always have to cry in the end, when he cries. He's just marvellous!
General topic / Re: Finding Neverland
« on: August 18, 2009, 02:58:14 PM »
I thought as well, that FN is a very good movie, by itself. Not very accurate and I don't like the fact that they left out Nico in the plot, but all in all I think it is a very beautiful film.
I just look at them very differently: TLB is an almost exact biographic film (brilliant of course!!) and FN is simply entertainment for me. I think they did some very beautiful shots and everything, so I just watch it as I would watch a fiction movie. And I think JD is a very talented actor, though very unlike to Barrie in figure and also in his performance. (as far as I can say...), but brilliant, nevertheless.
JMBarrie / The Body in the Black Box
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:58:27 PM »
Hi everybody!  :)
Does anybody know anything about "The Body in the Black Box"? I don't recall reading about it in LB (but it is very possible that I forgot about it... if so sorry! ) and I was reading Hide and Seek with Angels and I am interested in that motive, the taking over the shadow / the identity. I googled it and found it nowhere, also on this page and in the forum - nothing. Is it unpublished? I didn't get it from HSwA it just said that nobody wanted it... did he publish it himself? is it possible to read the manuscript online? Grateful for any hints or tips! Thank you already!
General topic / JMB and the Lost Boys
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:23:40 AM »
Hi everybody! I just finished JMB and the LB and I thought it is fantastic! Thank you Mr. Birkin! I'm writing a final paper about Peter Pan and JMB and your biography is certainly the most helpful and the most enjoyable to read.  I'm now reading Hide and Seek with Angels by Lisa Chaney and I must say I'm struggling... though one learns maybe a bit more backround information, which I find a little unnecessary, I still think yours is one of the best biographies I ever read!! I will use it as much as I can. And maybe this is weird just posting it in a forum but I just wanted to let you know how I think of your book.


PS: pardon my english...   :-[
JMBarrie / Re: Barrie's letter to Sylvia
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:11:23 PM »
You may be right. We cannot tell for sure. I agree with you, that those feelings he had for Sylvia, weren't feelings he had for anyone else. I'm not quite convinced, though, that he did all those things for them, just because he was in love with Sylvia and feeling obligated to. He loved the boys as "his sons" and friends. And JMB is not "most men" don't you think?
And I agree with you on the point of heartache. Always painful... :-\
JMBarrie / Re: Barrie's letter to Sylvia
« on: May 12, 2009, 05:06:48 PM »
Do you really think Peter/JMB is IN love with Wendy/Sylvia? Doesn't he "just" love her. Like Tommy loves Grizel. "I think I love you in my own way, but I thought I loved you their way, and it is the only way that counts in this world of theirs. It does not seem to be my world" said from Tommy to Grizel (I got this quotation out of JMB&TLB, p 40 in the Yale Edition) and I think this stands for JMB as well as for Peter Pan. Peter Pan (original the non - bird/ non-human, JMB told the Davies- boys the story) belonging not really to here. and I think JMB is not able to love her, because he is such a child in his mind. Well not really a child, but he has a childs view of things, don't you think? I think he may love her like a sister, love her like a best friend.
I hope I didn't understand something wrong, and please excuse me for my english, I'm from Switzerland...  ;)
Peter Pan / Re: Peter's bad dreams
« on: March 14, 2009, 04:03:39 PM »
thank you, helping a lot!  :) :) i haven't read Lost Boys yet, I wanted to read Peter Pan again first. But I'm looking forward to :)
Peter Pan / Peter's bad dreams
« on: March 12, 2009, 11:00:09 AM »
Peter has several bad dreams, also (chapter 15, last page) the night after he killed Hook and his pirates. Did J.M.Barrie have bad dreams? or his boys? or don't you think barrie's life had anything to do with it?
Peter Pan / Re: Peter's Shadow
« on: March 11, 2009, 09:09:56 AM »
thank you! 
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