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Transcriptions of the Mrs. Pearsall letters:
20 June, 1921:
Dear Mrs. Pearsall,
Thank you very much for your kind letter about Mr. Davies. It was a great happiness to me that you made him so comfortable and he loved to tell me how nice you were to him. I saw it too for myself. I am at present so broken by this blow that I cannot attend to things, but if you will be so good as just to keep his rooms closed for a time ? all the matters will be attended to by and by. I know he had furniture stored at ? ? and that will be seen by ? also. Also kindly let me know of expenses. ? I do very much like your letter, which is full of tender feeling.
Yours Sincerely
J.M. Barrie
9 September, 1921:
Dear Mrs. Pearsall,
Thank you very much for sending on the trunk with clothes by which has searched me safely.
Would you know kindly get all the books packed in boxes and have them sent on here. Also anything else such as pictures, ornaments, papers or letters of ?, ? ? ??that is, everything ? except furniture, ? and bed clothes, which I want to store at Oxford for Mr. Davies?s brother, who may be going up as an undergraduate in a year?s time. They could be stored at the place where there are already some of his things stored and I would be much obliged if you can put that ? in communication with me about the matter, as I do not have their name and address. They could do the packing also of the things to be sent here.
You have been so very kind in all matters that I am always afraid of trying you too hard.
Thank you for your kind messages about myself. I am as well as one can expect who has lost the dearest person in life to him. I always want to come to Oxford and then I feel I can?t.
Yours Sincerely
J.M. Barrie
P.S The rugs should also be sent here.
20 September, 1921:
Dear Mrs. Pearsall,
My hearty thanks to you for sending on the things so carefully. They have all arrived safely.
I do not know about those curtains I think they were sent from us, but it is possible they were got in Oxford to match the sofa.
Only in that case I should have thought they would have been bought by Mr. Davies. However the shop people should have some proof of the transaction if any, and if they do belong to them should get them back.
Please thank Mr. Pearsall from me for so kindly seeing ? ? ? ? about storing the furniture, I expect to hear from them.
You will of course let me know about all your expenses in these matters. But apart from that altogether, please let me have the pleasure of sending you the enclosed cheque for ?50, in memory of your great kindness to my adopted son. I am indeed most grateful to you.
Yours Sincerely
J.M. Barrie
22 September, 1921:
Dear Mrs. Pearsall,
Yes, it will be a pleasure to me if you will keep the ? in memory of Mr. Davies and I thank you for all you say. I have not yet heard from ? Arthur ? ? and hope they will write soon.
Yours Sincerely
J.M. Barrie
18 November, 1921:
Dear Mrs. Pearsall,
Thank you for your letter about those extra things of Mr. Davies which I shall be glad to have at your convenience. I am not certain about the ? but I think it also must be his as he ? had me at Oxford. Perhaps you can find out for certain that it is not Mr. ?. With kindest regards.
Yours Sincerely
J.M. Barrie
9 October, 1922:
Dear Mrs. Pearsall,
Thank you for your kind letter. I have not been able to answer ? ? because I am not very well. Mr. Davies?s brother goes up on Thursday to New College, but kindly send the things to him at Mrs. Bird?s 108 Abingdon Road, where he will be resident with a friend at first. Would you also be so good as to tell the firm who are storing some furniture to send it to that address. I should be much obliged. With best regards.
Yours Sincerely
J.M. Barrie