Lovely observations - Daphne's letters are gems, as indeed are Nico's. He was a self-confessed letter-writing addict - his letters to Sharon and I most total 600+, and he kept up a vigorous correspondence with many others, notably Rupert Hart Davies. RHD's correspondence with his old Eton teacher George Lyttleton was published in 3 vols back in the 1970s, and when I asked him if he'd ever considered publishing his letters with Nico he said indeed yes - but unfortunately Nico had thrown away all his!
(One that escaped the flames is on the database)
This was very like Nico - he so rightly lived in the moment, and although (according to his daughter Laura) he loved his involvement with TLB (both TV and book) and seemed to delight in ransacking his memories, he clung to nothing. Often he'd send some jewel that had just dropped out of a forgotten book (e.g. Sylvia's devastating letter to Dolly Ponsonby after Arthur's death in 1907 - it's in the database) with an accompanying one of his own saying he didn't need it back.... Nico's attitude to possessions became contagious, and I too found it quite liberating when I gave the collection to GOSH. One day I'll get round to scanning all Nico's to Sharon and I, and (possibly) my side as well. Oddly enough Nico hung on to them, and Laura returned them after he died.... ah, but the TIME it all takes!
PS I've known the sublime Ms Christie off and on for many years, and received a letter from her last year craving forgiveness for accepting the part and pleading poverty as her (wholly understandable) excuse ...