Fascinating, dear Brutus - I had zero idea!
I've lately been transcribing Peter's Morgue*, dictating it into my iPhone, and every session I discover something new, even though I read it cover over a quarter century ago. Nor did we then have the internet, so that now I'm continually googling the various names that crop up. Today's little nugget - apart from yours - was that one of Arthur's medical advisers brought in by Barrie was a fellow named Treves. Ring any bells? He was played by Anthony Hopkins in David Lynch's movie, The Elephant Man ...
* I'm up to December 1906, having started in 1889 when Arthur and Sylvia first met. If you click the Morgue tag, the entries come up in chronological order, with Peter's comments following the Transcription. I've thought it best to upload it this way as we have scans for some of the letters he includes, plus others that for whatever reason escaped his notice and were not included. Any comments or suggestions most welcome!