Indeed very sad - I visited it in November 2001, 2 days before my son Anno was killed in Italy, so it rather haunts me in my memory. Perhaps the new developers could at least keep "that certain Dumfries garden, which is enchanted land to me", albeit not the house?? For those who don't know what on earth we're talking about, here's what Barrie had to say about Moat Brae while a student there in the 1870s:
"When the shades of night began to fall, certain young mathematicians shed their triangles, crept up walls and down trees, and became pirates in a sort of Odyssey that was long afterwards to become the play of 'Peter Pan'. For our escapades in a certain Dumfries garden, which is enchanted land to me, were certainly the genesis of that nefarious work. We lived in the tree-tops, on coconuts attached thereto, and that were in a bad condition; we were buccaneers and I kept the log-book of our depredations, an eerie journal, without a triangle in it to mar the beauty of its page. That log-book I trust is no longer extant, though I should like one last look at it, to see if Captain Hook is in it."