Exactly how I feel too! The problem is (a) time and (b) that as the letters to me (and a further 300-odd to Sharon) they become increasingly personal and/or don't make sense unless you've read the other side of the correspondance. But I will get round to sifting through the rest one of these days... or possibly just scan them - Nico's writing is wonderfully legible... but then you can't search them. On the subject of scanning, I'd also like to scan Barrie's 300 letters to Nico, which I xeroxed in 1977 before acting as a go-between Nico and Beinecke, to whom he sold them the following year (he never was a sentimentalist!). I also have hundreds of letters from other people - the Welsh Lewises, Daphne du Maurier, etc etc .... In giving my collection to GOSH I'd hoped to free myself, but it seems all I did was give them the cream = 10% of the total collection!
I've now finishyed transcribing the rest of Peter's letters, and they'll be going up shortly. Ah - then the Morgue......! Do I hear volunteers??!