It's fine to take that interpretation of the movie, but even if I agreed, the problem is that the movie is TELLING us that's what it's about, rather than letting us figure it out for ourselves (or not, just letting us enjoy the story and not worry about "deeper meaning"). I don't mind looking at people's interpretations of Peter Pan (in fact, I enjoy and appreciate such things) but for a movie to come right out and SAY "this is what the movie is about" kind of ruins it for me.
It would be like if Aslan came right out and said, "You know me in your world as Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior, the only Son of God. Therefore now that you will never enter Narnia again, know me and serve me by that name." If one of the Narnia movies had him saying that people would be complaining that it was Christian propaganda, and they'd be right.
Instead he says (forgive me if my quote is inaccurate): "You must learn to know me by another name." He leaves it up in the air as to what that "other name" is--it need not necessarily be Jesus, it's just a way of saying "I am everywhere, and I have many names," which is certainly a Godlike idea in my opinion.
Long story short, I don't so much mind that particular interpretation of Peter Pan (although I don't necessarily agree with it personally) as I do that the movie makes it clear that it thinks that's the ONLY possible interpretation, something I didn't get from the original and which I therefore think makes the original superior.