Author Topic: From Macnaghten's House Debating Society Minutes: Are Zeppelin raids justifable?  (Read 4184 times)


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All material presented my kind permission of Mrs Laura Duguid and the Provost and Fellows of Eton College

House debates 1916
The House met on Feb. 5 to discuss whether Zeppelin raids are justifiable ...
The seconder was Mr [M] Davies:

Mr Davies then rose and spoke as follows:
I am of the opinion that the strongest argument in favour of, or rather in justification of, Zeppelin raids, is the time-honored adage: All is fair in Love and War - although it might be said by some that this no longer applies.  It seems to me that there is little or no reason why they should not attempt to do us damage at home, by destroying our munitions factories, etc. etc.  And their frequent failures to hit the factories, and successes in hitting defenceless women and children is one not to be wondered at.  No one could say that they intentionally slew women and children, as it is quite obvious that they would reap a great deal more satisfaction from the destruction of a barracks or a factory.  As regards London, that city is now fortified against Zeppelin attacks so there is no adequate reason against them risking their lives in that quarter.  Of course they do not always aim at London, but then in each case the authorities have been able to trace their efforts to a legitimate object.  And it is asking too much that they should always hit the mark.  Also, from the point of view of retaliation, as our own aircraft have done a considerable amount of damage among their towns fortified and unfortified, their attempts to return the compliment are entirely justifiable.
And now, with the President's leave, I will sit down.

[The House divided 7-3 in favour of the seconder.]