Author Topic: Statue of J M Barrie  (Read 6838 times)

Robert Greenham

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Statue of J M Barrie
« on: July 22, 2005, 05:52:29 PM »
I guess a writer's true monument is his legacy of his literary
creations, but it seems amazing that there is no statue, statuette or
bust of Barrie.  How come?  Is there really not even one at Kirriemuir?
Isn't this a sad reflection on (a) the Scottish authorities, (b) the
British people, and (c) devotees of JMB?

What of Barrie's close friends and contemporaries?

Arthur Conan Doyle: His first life-size statue was erected in Japan!
Later, statues were erected in Picardy Place, Edinburgh (his
birthplace); outside Baker Street Station in Marylebone Road, London, in
1999 (an obvious choice); and in the centre of Crowborough, East Sussex,
in 2001 where Doyle spent the last part of his life with his second
wife).  Perhaps we should note that the Baker Street Station statue was
done under the auspices of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London!

Thomas Hardy: I only know of one statue, at Top o' Town, in Dorchester.

George Meredith:  I don't know of any statues.

Robert Louis Stevenson: None in Scotland, as far as I know, but there is
one in a park at Portsmouth Square, in Chinatown, San Francisco!  And
about two years ago there was a campaign to build one in Central Park,
Manhattan, but I don't know if it materialised.

Rodin created a bronze bust of Barrie's friend W E Henley (father of
Margaret of 'fwendy Wendy' fame) and this can be seen in St Paul's
Cathedral.  Perhaps Rodin didn't think Barrie would make an interesting
subject.  Or maybe Rodin sculpted Henley only because it was Henley who,
as a critic, did much to bring Rodin (as well as Barrie, and other
writers) to the attention of the British people.

Does anyone know of any statue, etc, of Barrie?