The new adaptation of the story of Peter Pan will air on ITV on Boxing Day (26 December) at 8pm. This is a retelling of the classic story for the modern age, while remaining faithful to the spirit of Barrie's original tale, and it's the first time a film version places Great Ormond Street Hospital at the heart of the story.
The story starts at GOSH, where 12-year-old Lucy Rose is awaiting treatment for a serious heart condition and discovers Barrie's novel Peter and Wendy.That night she dreams herself off to Neverland...
Stanley Tucci plays the triple role of the surgeon, Mr Darling and Captain Hook, Laura Fraser is Mrs Darling/Lucy's mum, Paloma Faith is Tinker Bell, and newcomers Hazel Doupe and Zac Sutcliffe play the title roles.
Tune in this Boxing Day if you are in the UK. (Overseas viewers will have to wait a little longer for it to come to them, but it will be worth the wait.)