Author Topic: Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates  (Read 5481 times)


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Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:20:37 PM »
Hello!  My name is Jeran, and I've been looking over the site for a few days, now.  I'm an avid fan of Barrie's Peter Pan, and am glad there are places online to vent those fascinations.

I was wondering if anyone here was a fan of Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates.  I didn't see any posts dedicated to it.  I adored the show as a kid (I was 5), and recently purchased the entire series on DVD from a bootlegged source. 
If you can get past the look of the characters, which stray alarmingly from Barrie's descriptions of them, I think it's a great series, and follows the book rather well.  Peter is spoiled, obsessed with himself, pompous and rude, but also sweet, heroic, and friendly. 
Hook, in particular, is great, at least in my opinion.  Voiced by Tim Curry, he's the first and only version I've ever seen where he's not a coward.  Quite the opposite, he's devilish, but also very sophisticated.  Yes, it is a kid's cartoon show, so it can be rather silly at times, but all in all, he's a great Hook, and Tim Curry won an Emmy for the role.
The entire series is up on, so if you haven't seen it and would like to, type in Peter Pan and the Pirates and have a go.  Keep in mind I grew up with the show, so I'm biased.


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Re: Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 05:40:07 PM »
I've wanted to watch the show for quite some time now...I never saw it as a kid, but it was recommended to me by an avid -Peter Pan- fan I know on DeviantART. I plan on watching some of the episodes before I go off to college :D Thanks for letting us know it's on YouTube!
Would you recommend any particular episodes that focus on Hook? I've heard wonderful things about the show in general, but I'm especially interested in seeing Hook's elegance...a characteristic I don't think is reflected too often in any of the other versions.


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Re: Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 10:28:42 PM »
"Demise of Hook" is a good one for some of Hook's darker quotes.  "The Play's the Thing" is good for Hook doing Shakespeare.  "Ages of Pan" 1 and 2 are great episodes, as is "The Rake," which gives a bit of a background for Hook's early career.


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Re: Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 08:42:55 PM »
Hoorah! I'll be looking for those within the next few days C:


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Re: Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2020, 01:03:50 AM »
I just watched the above mentioned episodes of Peter Pan and the Pirates, and here is my review of those episodes!

The Demise of Hook: This was a very good episode! Great idea for Hook to fake his death and make up a curse to get his revenge on Peter! I do have some nitpicks though. When Peter first finds out Hook is dead, he gets disappointed because he can’t play his game with Hook anymore. That’s a good idea, but I feel he would be Hook was dead like in the original stories, and then later become disappointed. Also when Hook almost kills Peter at the end by making him fall to his death, Peter screams in fear as he falls. But Peter is not afraid of death, as he once said, “To die would be awfully big adventure!”
But other than that, this was a great episode!

The Play’s the Thing: Another great episode! Great to see that Hook said he went to Eton! He said he did Shakespeare there, which I think sounds like something he would do. I thought it was clever that he tried to poison Wendy during the play, since when he tried to poison Peter, it famously didn’t work! Also I liked the part where Hook casts Peter as the villain in Romeo and Juliet because it was the perfect part for him, definitely something Barrie would agree with! Something I had a problem with though is that Wendy says that in R&J, they live happily ever after, ummm, shouldn’t she know that they die? Maybe they couldn’t say that in a kid’s show, even though I think a lot of kids know that in R&J the the main characters die! At least I knew that as a kid, and I’ve never even read the play!

Ages of Pan: This is a 2-parter and the final episodes of the series, where Peter Pan actually decides to grow up! And this episode was released only 9 days before the movie Hook came out! And actually I think this episode did the concept of Peter growing up much better than Hook did! Although I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this!
My problems with this episode is that at one point Tinkerbell is dying because grownup Peter doesn’t believe in her anymore and for some reason she doesn’t know why she’s dying even though Peter said directly to her that he didn’t believe in fairies, she out of everyone should know that when someone doesn’t believe in fairies, there’s a fairy somewhere in the world who falls down dead!
Also Tinkerbell comes back to life because Hook says he believes in her and the existence of Neverland, but didn’t the play establish that only works when children believe in fairies? Or can it work with adults too? Someone more knowledgeable than me please answer this!

The Rake: This episode was kind of disappointing! I expected to learn some things about Hook’s past at Eton and his career in the Navy, but instead it was about Hook fighting this pirate ghost and trying to get his treasure, and the ghost is Hook’s brother! Huh??????
Yeah this episode didn’t connect with Hook’s history at all and I was disappointed. I’m sure kids liked the action and the explosions in this episode, but if you’re a Pan Fan, it’s just a letdown!

Overall, this seems like a great show so far and I will definitely watch more episodes of this series! I had heard of this series in recent times, but never watched it. Now I highly recommend that people on this forum watch it! Hook is menacing and, not surprisingly, Tim Curry performs him flawlessly! And Jason Marsden, who is also one my favorite actors and was only a teenager when he did this show, does an excellent job as Peter! And the show’s writing actually does seem to do Peter right in this show! There never was a cockier boy!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 04:47:31 AM by Dani1923 »

Hannah Grippo

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Re: Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2020, 12:53:20 AM »
I've never even heard of this show, but sounds interesting. May have to take a peak. Thanks for sharing!