This thread of Nico and music reminded me of a section of a book I ran across - totally by accident - a few years ago. The name of the book was "Book Society" and it was by the British literary agent Graham Watson. When I saw the book passing through my library, I glanced in the index to see if there was anything about Peter Davies Ltd publishers.
There was in fact. Mr. Watson spoke of needing to find a new publisher for his client Kathleen Winsor (of Forever Amber fame). Her British publisher had been confusing her with her heroine and had been putting the moves on her - much to her distress. Mr. Watson quickly moved her to Peter Davies Ltd. Then he mentions that Nicholas Davies "had a passion for, and an encyclopaedic knowlege of, jazz. Any spare hour when he was in New York he could be discovered in Eddie Condon's club blowing a trumpet. He was also a great fisherman. It was therefore in accordance with the general dottiness of the book trade that Peter Davies Ltd, made most of their money publishing books in which neither of the brothers appeared to have any particular interest, namely, of popular religion."
He goes on to recount how he steered the book " A Man Called Peter" by Catharine Marshall to Nico for that reason. Nico liked the book, but thought it would have little appeal in the UK. However after a few months in which Mr. Watson tried in vain to find a British publisher, he received a phone call from Nico making a modest offer for the book which he hadn't been able to put out of his mind. Apparently the book sold slowly at first, but gradually grew into a steady seller year after year.
Andrew, I was just wondering about that "blowing a trumpet" mentioned in the above quote. Do you think Mr. Watson was mixing it up with tinkling the piano keys? In his letters to Mary Hodsgon (which are treasures by the way), Nico often mentions playing the piano but never the trumpet!