Author Topic: Wendy's costume --HELP!  (Read 5360 times)


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Wendy's costume --HELP!
« on: October 08, 2009, 10:01:04 PM »
In the picture database I found this picture:

Me and Peter Pan (I mean from the forums here) are wanting to get handfasted (married) someday and would like to marry as Peter and Wendy
kinda as a homage to the little white bird version and some of what we read in Barrie's notes about "the girl" being able to go back to be with the boy and stuff because of her strawberry mark..not sure how many of you have read this stuff but we figured it isn't that far off for two childlike people to want to marry as Peter Pan and Wendy...I was originally thinking of wearing the white night gown but this outfit in the above picture looks lovely! We're really really wanting to do this....does anyone have an idea of what color this outfit was? How to get a duplicate made perhaps? We really want a magical themed wedding..this wont be happening for almost a year i'd imagine but we're really wanting to do this. And I just love this outfit. Is it burgandy like in Finding Neverland or was it a different color?

I guess the same goes for Peter's original outfit as well ...we'd love to dress like the originals. And I think I mentioned in passing once before my sweetie thinks I resemble Hilda (the actress in the picture) at least in a couple of her Wendy photos. Any help would be greatly appreciated! We really want to make a special event out of it all.

We've already exchanged kisses but we are going to re-exchange them possibly when we get handfasted (married) and end it off with a thimble (kiss) lol. What do you think? Anyhow....any help? :)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 10:07:16 PM by TheWendybird »


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Re: Wendy's costume --HELP!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 07:54:39 AM »
Congratulations, Wendy Bird - and Peter Pan! That's great news.
I don't know whether Wendy's costume still exists somewhere but in the Peter Pan Keepsake published in 1907, the story of the play retold by Daniel O'Connor, with photos from the first stage production, there is a picture of Wendy in that costume in the Underground Home scene with this description in the text:
"Wendy looked very charming in her pretty brown frock, the colour of autumn leaves, with scarlet berries in her hair.."

In the beginning of the play/story, she is wearing a full long white nightgown.

Peter's costume, as played by Nina Boucicault was a red tunic worn over a white shirt with leaves sewn onto it. (See my post on 'Peter Pan in Red' strand).


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Re: Wendy's costume --HELP!
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 02:35:47 PM »
For some reason, every time I think of Wendy the full white nightgown comes to mind...


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Re: Wendy's costume --HELP!
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2009, 03:12:31 PM »
Yeah same for me...was wondering if i should have something a little more elaborate but perhaps simple is the way to go.