true, true, and I deleated my own ramblings. As Andrew said, they have nothing to do with Peter Pan, and weren't really a response to the original topic...
Speaking of which, as for the casting of Peter Pan (that is, if one were to use an adult as Speilberg did), I would have definately given a chance to MJ - he's got the movement, which I've never seen really done in any version. I wonder if he could have pulled off the boy in carelessness as well as emotion though? Mia Farrow had that devil in her, I thought so anyway. MJ seemed very shy in his personality...I'm certain he could do Pan's cries in the nightmares as well as his pain in coming into Wendy's nursery or memory of his mother in a soft and unique way. I'm not referring to his controversial life, but as a performer, could he play a murderer, having a love affair... someone that you can't really say is the devil or hero? If his pitch in heartlessness and innocence can vary as much as his dancing, than certainly! I really haven't seen him in anything on screen, so others will have to elaborate on that, or maybe one day I'll spend some time and watch his stuff on youtube. One thing is for certain, I'd be more interested in watching him than Robin Williams, who didn't remind me of Peter at all! But then I don't think MJ could play such a character as the "Pan" that was designed in Hook's not-anything-like-Barrie storyline (as Andrew already pointed out).
I know Barrie wouldn't have liked Hook, but I wonder what he would have said of MJ, or who we would have picked if not Michael. Jumping back to another decade and time in film, didn't JM Barrie once want Charlie Chaplin to play Peter? I remember that from somwhere, but correct me if I'm wrong. Hmm...well, he certainly had the atheletic ability, and emotional/physical affection, and I'm sure I'd fall off my seat laughing to see his humour in killing pirates, but I don't know if I can quite see him as Peter, not exactly a child, nor is he devlish. Charlie was bold in his politics and techniques, but with danger and death, he seems too safe for Peter in flickers. But I'm a poor judge for film, and maybe I'm just thinking of films in those days, and too much of the Little Tramp now! Barrie must have known what he was talking about.
Ah, would've been nice if we all could see the original Pan performance. I've heard nice descriptions, of course, but I wonder what she was like...