Taylor wrote: "But get your facts straight. In the Entertainment world, we here in Los Angeles, see and hear more than the general public. Where there is sm9oke there is usually fire. You do not pay out millions if you are innocent. "
There is evidence he did not do it, actually. For one the first boys father said so himself during a recorded conversation. Unfortunately, that didn't realy cover the news. One might wonder why. Myths, I guess,
sell better.
But do not speak about someone else getting their facts straight, when you yourself, clearly haven't.

I'm sure you hear a lot in the entertainment world. But that doesn't make them true. But you know that, I'm sure...
As for his kids, what does it matter? They look bright, healthy and well mannered, and loved their father dearly. ( I do think they are his, look closer at the pictures)
Michael had quite an unusual life, and he sure was 'different'. But that does not make him a criminal.
I also don't think he tarnished Peter Pan. It might have gotten a 'bad name' so to speak, but was that realy
his fault? I don't think so. Because he did not molest any kid! I followed the trial closely, and did research on the earlier accusation.
I'm glad he didn't get the part though, simply because I don't like the movie and I don't think his acting skills to be that well...