It's alright as a cup-of-tea, duvet and escapism evening. As an informative film, it's a bit "bleh" (for want of better wording)
I enjoy it as a fictional movie I can get a bit soppy over. But I don't watch it and feel as though I'm learning about JMB's life, or relating to the real-life Barrie in any way... it's like the film character and the real man are totally different in my mind, and while I like both, trying to reconcile them as the same person is difficult!
I suppose most of my negativity comes from the unbearable "Oh My God Johnny Depp, squueeee I love J M Barrie" rubbish I heard from friends when the movie came out. I'd been a fanatic about him and his works for quite some time, and hearing J M Barrie being squealed about as a heart-throb by teenage girls was actually the most uncomfortable experience of my life...
I do get a bit teary at the moment when he walks into his bedroom and you see the Neverland behind the door though. Sigh.

And I admit, the night before a tutorial on JMB last year, I gave up on proper revision and watched FN, convincing myself it was allowed. I didn't tell my tutor though, shhh...

I do like the theatre scenes too. Sucj beautiful and believable staging.