Author Topic: Nico in “Enemies of Promise”  (Read 2197 times)


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Nico in “Enemies of Promise”
« on: April 26, 2022, 07:19:18 PM »
Nico being mentioned in Cyril Connolly’s 1938 book, “Enemies of Promise”.

“Antony Knebworth was he first to make friends with me. He had won the other Rosebery prize and was a Byronic figure of overpowering vitality who with his crony, Nico Davies, seemed to make more noise than a whole division. He and Nico were the most successful types of normal schoolboy; they were in all the elevens, ran their houses, were able and rather lazy at their work, conventional, intolerant and sentimental; they were easily moved to laughter, rage or tears, strict enforcers of privilege and always appealed to by the headmaster when there was a question of Pop "using its influence".