I was taken back to learn that the photos we often see of Michael dressed as Peter Pan were not the only photos sent to the sculptor. Barrie took nude photos of Michael as Peter Pan. I do not remember that in Andrew's book, but have checked sources and this is in print more than once. The reference is in one of Barie's letters. Michael was I believe 6 at the time those were taken and for me this raises some questions.
Sorry, MLD, but it seems clear to me that you have misinterpreted what Piers Dudgeon wrote and, in doing so, you jumped to a conclusion which, as yet, has not been justified by you. May I respectfully suggest that you re-read the pertinent paragraph of page 178 of Captivated, and then kindly retract your sentence that "Barrie took nude photos of Michael as Peter Pan". And after that, an apology to Andrew, for the way in which you so rudely treated him in this thread, would be appropriate.
For everyone's benefit, here is what Piers Dudgeon wrote:
"Nobody associated Peter with the Devil. Nor is it clear how Frampton was supposed to capture this demon boy, since Uncle Jim gave him photographs of the beautiful, angelic, naked Michael to go on. He wrote to Sylvia: 'Frampton was very taken with Mick's pictures & I had to leave them with him,' but, no doubt to Michael's relief, 'he prefers the Peter clothes to a nude child . . .'"
MLD: Why would you think, from this, that it was Barrie who took the photographs of a naked Michael? Is it not just as possible that the photographs were taken by Sylvia, or Arthur, and loaned to Barrie for the purpose of his loaning them in turn to Frampton? And, not that it really matters, are not the scales tipped towards this second possibility by Barrie's words to Sylvia: "I had to leave them with him"?, which possibly implies an apology to her.
Andrew: Dudgeon does not provide source notes for this particular issue, although his general source for this portion of the chapter, 'Peter Pan, a demon boy', is stated as Mackail's The Story of J.M.B.
I'll make it