Gives new meaning to the name Peter Pan ("all"), doesn't it?
And it explains how Peter Pan is able to switch sides on a whim, because it's all the same to him.
But I agree, quantum mechanics is a fascinating subject, especially since it demonstrates as fact many teachings of Eastern traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.
Have you read Fritjof Capra's Tao of Physics??
I'm not an expert in any of those things and so cannot articulate as well (and for that I apologize), but I do find the subject fascinating and the more I learn about things the more I'm convinced of their reality. Fundamentally, opposites and fragmentations of any kind break down.
We are all one, we are all "the Pan."
Yet we are simultaneously all different, all unique!
If we are conscious, and we are made of the same basic components as everything else, why can't they at least have potential consciousness as well? And since the First Law of Thermodynamics says that nothing is created or destroyed, it only changes form, that means that everything that makes up myself, for example, has always existed and will always exist in some form(s). Therefore fundamentally I'm no different from anyone or anything else--it's just the particular form I'm taking now that appears different.
Quite true - all that's different is the pattern. Yet it's the pattern that matters! Shakespeare and Hitler were made of the same stuff after all...
Not to mention that "I" am a collection of microscopic fundamental particles, despite having a single consciousness. Therefore doesn't it stand to reason that everything that exists, at least potentially, has a singular consciousness pervading everything? That's as near a definition of "God" as I can conceive.
What's more, I think particle states can help us understand why anything exists at all--at absolute zero, absolute rest, nothing can happen. Only in excited states does anything happen, and that causes particles to separate and interact with each other like separate entities--
at absolute zero they would be solid, all part of a greater whole but not acting.
Actually not so. The 3rd law of thermo-dynamics prevents anything from reaching absolute zero, for if an atom could theoretically stop moving, it wouldn't simply be a stationary atom - it would cease to exist* - which would subtract 1 atom from the total energy of the universe, and thus contradict the 1st law! (*it is only energy that gives an atom form and the illusion of solidity in the first place. Absolute zero = zero energy = zero atom/electron/quark/whatever)
Is the world we encounter, then, an "excited" state where things can happen and where division and fragmentation appears to be the order of the day? And the matter making it up is equivalent to the energy keeping up the excited state, isn't it?
So I understand (IF I understand!) But remember what Erwin Schrodinger warned: "Anyone who thinks they've understood quantum theory hasn't understood it, because it is by definition incomprehensibe to the human brain." Werner Heisenberg has a fascinating chapter in his "Physics and Philosophy" about how we lack the words to convey what's going on.
While we're on the subject I don't believe in the simplified form of reincarnation most often accepted--that there was one past life before this, and will be one future life after this. I think it's more of a Frankenstein hybrid, and at most you might be a large percentage of one singular individual who came before you, but very unlikely (if possible) that you're the exact same individual.
Quite agree. It's only the ego that craves immortality for the self.
Anyway, I'm rambling, and I apologize, but the subject fascinates me, and I wonder what anyone else thinks.
We're on the General Topic page, so no need to apologise!