Elisabeth Bergner remembers Barrie visiting the film set of "As You L:ike It", and how his cough caused endless retakes ...
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When we were doing the picture, As You Like It, he came nearly daily. He wrote the prologue, we didn't use it but he wrote it and the enchanted scene I showed you. And he wanted to watch, he knew nothing about film...so he sat there and watched. When he came to the studio he sat there. And you know in films, in studios, they began to black the lamps and everything and what, it goes up, you begin to speak but then this hacking cough and immediately everything stops. After 2, 3 minutes we again we would get the sounds, the lights everything and again cough cough cough we all stopped immediately. Everybody loved him so nobody complained, nobody ever! When we had done that about 5 times at least, the same scene, and couldn't do it, the hacking cough, he called me: "can't you get it right?" Hahaha. Wonderful. Charming. "Can't you get it right?" Hahaha