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[From Peter's Morgue:]
(Margaret’s notes):
Dec. 4.
His face is sore and aching while being dressed. Macbride’s skilful fingers. Finds the dressing tiring at night.
Stomach a little easier. Will not take morphia in afternoon unless needs it – a choice of evils.
Asked what the boys had done at the Blounts.
Difficult to think of the appropriate things to say in reply to Henry James. This is the only time I can think, and I can’t right now. I must think tonight and try to remember tomorrow.
You say M. Macnaghten? – You knew him? (I said how Theodore liked him). I like him very much.
Asked if fixed about my going on Saturday – whether the boys an effort – felt it best for boys to go too – rather a strain on the household. Good night.
He seems now much weaker at night than a week ago – weaker & sadder.
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