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To Craigenputtock in a Snowstorm


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This article may or may not have been written by Barrie - your guess is as good as mine. It was published in the St James's Gazette a fortnight after his Auld Licht Funeral and four days before his next Auld Licht offering. It reads like Barrie's style, he was staying in Dunmfries at the time and he was certainly a huge admirer of Thomas Carlyle, who had lived at Craigenputtock House from 1828-1834. Garland doesn't list it in his 1928 Bibliography, but then there are quite a few others that he missed, mentioned by Barrie in his notebooks at the time. At any rate, this one's a good read, and makes a break from the Auld Licht Idylls ...

Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With many thanks to The British Newspaper Archive for their kind permission to reproduce this image.


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