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Arthur Llewelyn Davies to George Llewelyn Davies -


Letter from Arthur to George, 25 June 1906

[No original available]


12, Beaumont Street, W.
June 25, 1906.

My dear George,
I am rather sorry to hear about you being turned out of the eleven. It was a pity to shirk a game without just speaking to Guy first. But it does not matter very much, and I suppose he will let you play if there are any more matches. After all, good as cricket is, there are other things which are good also. I wonder which Peter thinks better, to make 10 runs or to catch a stone roach. And would Jack rather make 20 or sing a solo in trousers?
I had a fine lot of Berkhamsted letters this morning by the early post, including a splendid long one from Aunt Margaret which told me everything about all of you – that is, everything except your crimes and wrong-doings.
I am getting on so well now that we quite expect to come home this week, probably on Thursday. If so, we shall have been away just three weeks altogether.
I think Mr Barrie will come back with us and perhaps take us all the way in his motor car if it is fine.
Now good night my dear boy. My love to all of you.
Your affectionate father.

Peter's comments:

Difficult to imagine a reproach being more delicately conveyed.
Guy was one of the Berkhamsted School masters and was responsible for Junior Day-boy cricket.


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