Letter from Arthur to his sister Margaret, 7 December 1906
[No original available]
Egerton House, Berkhamsted.
Dec. 7, 1906.
Dearest Margaret,
We shall be very glad to see you on Monday if you can come and if you feel able to leave Father. I am afraid you will find me rather decrepit. My face continues troublesome, and my stomach has lately been out of order, making it difficult for me to eat anything, and making me tired and drowsy and good for nothing.
Our friends kindly come to see us, and I am especially glad of the change for Sylvia, who is beginning to find the burden very heavy. Dr. McBride comes in often to see me, and says there is nothing definitely wrong with my stomach, and he prescribes medicines and insists on me taking raw meat juice and other offensive foods. I shall probably be better from this little attack by the time you reach us.
Your reports of Father’s health are not very satisfactory. You must not leave him to come to us unless you feel that you can quite rightly do so. But if you can come we shall be very glad to see you.
Yours affectly
[Peter's comments follow the next letter from Sylvia to Margaret of the same date]
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