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Arthur Llewelyn Davies to Mary Llewelyn Davies - 1


Letter to Mary Llewelyn Davies from her son Arthur, 10 September 1891.

[No original available]


3 Harcourt Buildings,
Temple, E.C.
Sept. 10 [1891]

Dearest Mother,
If you are in communication with Sylvia you may have heard that there is a chance of a visit by us to K.L. next wk. But it depends partly on work, partly on a conditional proposal by Bell that I should fill a gap at Marlborough for a wk. or two. That would suit me in various ways, inter alia pecuniarily. Having given even September a chance, I think it is very unlikely that any vacation will come to me, and I shd. reserve the right to go up for the day to London. But Bell may not want me.
Sylvia is going to Gracedieu today and I must meet her there tomorrow. Her people are staying another week at Whitby. Since writing to you I have spent a Sunday at Abinger, and
another with the Richard Pollocks. While at the former place I saw Mrs Rate and Ida, but did not go to a Margieless Milton. Last Monday I walked from Haslemere to Churt and saw Aunt Lucy and Rosy, the males being in London. Nothing happens here to tell you — I am quite well, but weary of solicitors' blindness, and of the garments of respectability in this superb weather....
Your affect. son,


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