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Letter from Arthur to Michael, 27 June 1906(Read More)
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Letter from Arthur to Michael, 27 June 1906
12, Beaumont Street, W.
June 27, 1906.
My dear Michael,
Here is my last letter of all before coming home to Berkhamsted and my boys. We are coming all the way Mr Barrie's motor car, if it is fine, and we shall arrive in good time for tea. I want very much to see your motor car and Peter’s stone roach, as well as Nicko’s musical wheelbarrow. And I wonder whether there will be any good songs to be heard which I have never heard before. If there are it will be all together a fine homecoming for Mother and me. After tea tomorrow will you take me carefully for a walk all round the garden, and show me all the flowers which have come up since we went away?
I wonder whether I shall be able to read to you when we have come back. You know that I cannot speak very plainly just now, but if you can understand what I say well enough, I shall have plenty of time to go on reading Biblia to you right on to the end. Or perhaps you will now be able to read aloud to me as well as singing songs to me.
Goodbye now, my dear boy. My love to all my boys, not forgetting dear Nicko.
From your affectionate Father.
Peter's comments:
Mr Barrie’s motor car: I think his second or third, an open Lanchester (driven by an elegant chauffeur named Frederick) hence the need for fine weather.
Michael’s motor car was a peddling one. Of Nico’s wheelbarrow I remember that it played, among other tunes, as he wheeled it along, “At Trinity Church I Met my Doom.”
Biblia = “Biblia Innocentium”, a child’s version of the Bible edited by J.W. Mackail.
Arthur and Sylvia returned to Egerton House next day and this letter brings to a close the letters dealing with Arthur’s operations.
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