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Arthur Llewelyn Davies to Michael Llewelyn Davies


Letter from Arthur to Michael for his 6th birthday, 15 June 1906

[No original available]


12, Beaumont Street

June 15, 1906.

My very dear birthday boy Michael,

How I wish I could see you with my own eyes on your birthday, when you are really 6 years old. But I can only wish you many happy returns by a letter, and send you my dear love, and a pencil as a little birthday present for you.

I hope you will have a very jolly birthday, with so many friends – Aunt Margaret, and Mr Barrie, and even dear Mother coming for a little visit in the middle of the day. Perhaps you will have a tea party, with Derrick Webster or some other pals to tea, and a great cricket match in the afternoon.

Do you remember how we all watched the great Overton match last week, and you made 80 not out against Mr Taylor? Perhaps when I am well enough to come back you will take me to see some more cricket matches. I am going to have quite a long holiday, and shall be able to take you to school every morning.

It is very nice for me in the morning here when letters come to me from my dear boys. I have had three letters from you already, all very good kind letters.

Now goodbye my dearest 6 year old boy, and I hope you will have a very very very jolly birthday.

From your affectionate Father.


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