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J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1911

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Letter from Barrie to George at Eton, 4 December 1911, written from 23 Campden Hill Square.

[Not in Peter's Morgue]


23 C[ampden] H[ill] Sq[uare]

Sunday [4 December 1911]

My dear George,
Am just starting with Jack for Mr [E.V.] Lucas's at Lewes, where we are to stay the night, so this is but a scratch of the pen. Pity about the match but you came off personally all right. Have sent off your golf clubs.
Jack is going strong in the way of making calls & going to dances. I took him to theatre last night - "The War God". He will be down to see you very soon. He is to have a dance here under the auspices of his aunts while I fly the country.


Not included in Peter's Morgue, so no commentary from him.


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