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Letter from Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies, 11 December 1911(Read More)
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Letter from Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies, 11 December 1911
23 C[ampden] H[ill] Sq[uare]
Dec 11 1911
My dear George,
I sh[oul]d think so much of your money might go on a set of Meredith. There are various editions. I advise the Library Edition in 16 Vols at 6/- net the vol., which would dispose of 96/-. Note exact title of edition and number of vols. If you want any other edition of novels I advise Thackeray, who is sure to captivate you now or soon. I don't know about prices but the local bookseller c[oul]d get you lists. Then if you preferred you can never do better than with the Golden Treasury series, of which I enclose a list, with prices as you will see according to bindings.
Of course if you prefer the small leather vols, very charming (such as you have or have seen of Stevenson &c) you can get nearly all authors in them (including Meredith &c &c &c). They are mostly about 3/- each in leather.
I have twenty letters to write so this is but a scrawl.
Jack has got thro[ugh] his exam so will soon be a middy [= midshipman]. He is busy with festivities but has also boils.
Your affec.
Not included in Peter's Morgue.
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