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J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

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Letter from Barrie to George at Eton, 5 July 1912.

[Not in Peter's Morgue]


23 C H Sq,

July 5, 1912

My dear George,
I am hoping that your success at Winchester is to make it all right for Lords. I rather take for granted that you were not put on in the second innings till the end because Wigan wanted the others to get a chance. But one never knows, and I shall be glad to hear. Of course I was delighted to read of your batting: indeed I burst into a cheer when I saw your score. Tomorrow Michael & I will probably go to Conan Doyle’s for a night.
Still uncertain about Amhuinnsuidh and it will probably be some days before we know. Hoping to hear from a second analysis that the other one was all wrong, as seems possible. If things can't be got right we shall have to try for some other place, which will be no small job. Jack is going to Broadwater for the week end as your Uncle Guy & Granny are there.
Your affec.

[Not in Peter's Morgue]


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