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J M Barrie to Gerrie Llewelyn Davies - 1920

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Letter from J M Barrie to Gerrie Llewelyn Davies dated 31 May 1920


My dear Gerry,
I am supposing you are back in Edinburgh again. I have just returned from Ireland where I was staying with the Dufferins. Quite quiet - no men in masks - no [???] held up – nobody shot at me, as if they did they missed. I have two friends staying with me for the next few weeks, so I’m full up but hope to see you later if Jack is still kept away. I should think he Won’t be very long now though, and then the video will be over. I have not seen the coals for some time but have talked with them on the telephone. Michael has a car at Oxford without a body to it, and drives with the number painted on his back.
My love JMB
We lunched one day in Ireland on the flagship "Barham" – Admiral Leniston I think – quite a majestic function.


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