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J M Barrie to Sylvia Llewelyn Davies - 1906


Letter from Barrie to Sylvia, 26 September 1906

[No original available]


Leinster Corner, Lancaster Gate.
Wed’y [26 September 1906 ]

Dearest Jocelyn,
I feel myself with you and Arthur all the time just now; all day I am looking at you and speaking to you, so that I feel I couldn’t be closer where I actually in the house. But for all that I shall come down again this week. I do feel we have a right to be calmer now and to look forward with hope to the future, and I see your much loved house going on and in its old way. Of course I am always wondering how Arthur is feeling, and I hope there will be a letter tomorrow. I am to see Mr Mason tonight and hear if he has any news, but I daresay this is a little too soon. With my love to you both and all the five.


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