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to E V Lucas - 1918


Nearly four years of it now. I think it was four years ago tonight that my cinema supper took place, a good many of them gone since then. We were bright enough that night. One gets used to all new conditions but we go off on different lines and in four years are out of hailing distance of where we should otherwise have been. Universal destruction probably deprives us of so much life in the same way as the death of an individual dear to us does. ... Michael and Nicholas have both had slight attacks of influenza but I hope to hear tomorrow that they are out again. Whether it is Spanish or not I don't know, but it is all over the place again. ... The three little plays did very well, especially A Well Remembered Voice which has made quite a stir. I have had Jack and his wife for the last fortnight -- they went off today and were as devoted as ever and a complete world to themselves.


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