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to E V Lucas - 1919


It is like a whiff from a better world to have your letter. I don't so much mean because you have sun and we have snow, but you seem to have got hidden away in a real place of rest while here there is heavy rumbling of storm. I believe the strikes are owing to the "classes" not realising that life has really changed for evermore, in its externals at least. It is not higher wages grudgingly given that will settle the unrest. There must be a "league of classes", rich and poor to work together sympathetically and putting their cards firmly on the table. The workmen must have access to the business they are in, know all that is happening to it, get a fair wage and then be paid once a year in shares in the business. Co-operation of a real kind, leading to emulation and also to faith in each other. And so on. Easy to talk. ... It must be rather lovely to have Audrey developing under your eyes. So soon they fly away at best, but there are sudden moments when they are children again.... Peter is demobilised and has been in twice. I was at Eton today and joined Nico in great fettle with a pair of skates.... Nothing about myself, but I am pretty gloomy. Can't get hold of an idea to write of that really engrosses me. When I am working I am all right.


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