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to E V Lucas - 1921


Everyone seems to have colds just now except me ... I have Nicholas this weekend for Long Leave, so the flat is merry and bright again. Michael will be back soon, but contemplates a reading-party with another undergrad in Dorset, and that will be much better for him than London. He is working hard and really enjoying his life at Oxford for the present at least. He has the oddest way of alternating between extraordinary reserve and surprising intimacy. No medium. In his room at Oxford lately he suddenly unbosomed himself marvellously. One has to wait for those times, but they are worthwhile when they come.... Mary Rose came to an end last night after 400 performances, which is about my longest. It would have gone much longer in normal times, and still be playing to a big profit if cost was as it used to be before the war. The provincial companies are doing extremely well. Now to a restaurant with Nico, as it is Sunday night.


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