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to Mrs Hugh Lewis - 1916


It is very nice of you, and our firm intention is to swoop down on you early in September. Michael goes into camp till about August 10, and then I think we shall go to some seaside place till the end of the month with Mrs Lucas and Audrey. I must be in London the first week of September, and I am wondering whether you could put M. and N. up then and I join you as soon as I can. It seems bold to think of movements at all just now, with such things happening. Peter has been in violent fighting for four weeks now, north of the Somme (I think, but secrecy is great) and has seen grim things. His colonel was killed the other day and there have been many casualties in the Battalion. I confess I never come into this flat without looking fearfully for a telegram. Mr Lucas's brother was killed on the Somme and a nephew of mine is either killed or a prisoner. So many people one knew have gone this last month. I think Peter would like your parcel.


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