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Peter Llewelyn Davies to Mary Hodgson - 1953

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But goodness what a drain they are on one’s resources, particularly when one is as improvident as I am. We all buy our grey flannel trousers at Mark’s and Spencer’s for 16/2 a pair, and we have got to leave this house as it is too expensive. I get very depressed sometimes but Nico with his optimism and high spirits and youthfulness (and only one child!) cheer me up.<br /> I am now going to write to Dr. Mary LL. D. to tell her about Peter, and to the only member of the older generation I am still ? in touch with, namely Gwen du Maurier, who is still quite pale.<br /> Oh dear oh dear, I passed through Berkhamstead the other day and it was almost more than I could bear to see that horrible cinema on the site of dear Egerton House, and the lovely garden turned into a loathsome concrete car park.<br /> With much love to you dear Mary and I hope so much to hear a good account of you. <br /> Peter

Post Date - 11 Jan 2023 20:21 | Report
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[My apologies, I wasn’t able to see all of the first page, so this is all I could transcribe.]<br /> My dear Mary,<br /> Life is hard for fathers of 3 sons nowadays, so I know you will rejoice for more reasons than one to hear that Peter has just by the skin of his teeth scraped into an Eton scholarship. The ? was ? for a few days while<br /> ……<br /> <br /> …having a son in College, and there will also be a melancholy-sentimental pleasure in seeing a G.LL. Davies major and a P.LL. Davies minor, K.S., in The School List, as it was all those years ago, in 1910.<br /> I do hope all goes pretty fairly with you, dear Mary, and wish, as usual, that I wasn’t so remiss in keeping in touch with you.<br /> George is terribly overgrown, almost my height at 15. But he seems to have settled down quite well at Eton, and his tutor defends him against me and declares he is a most satisfactory boy, dear fellow. <br /> Rivvy is still in Germany with his regiment and finishes his National Service in September or October. What we shall do with him then heaven knows. However though he was always bad at his books I think he has more senses in his head than I had, and so far as I can make out he is well thought of in the army. Whether six months in the ranks and 18 months as a second Lieutenant will have done him good remains to be seen. Anyhow we love all three of them.<br />

Post Date - 11 Jan 2023 20:20 | Report
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