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Lord Robert Cecil to Sylvia Llewelyn Davies - 1907


Letter of condolence from Lord Robert Cecil to Sylvia, April 1907

[No original available]


[To Sylvia (or so Margaret Ll.D., who copied it out, thought) from Lord Robert Cecil:]

“… Ever since I went to Berkhamsted in the beginning of the year, I have wished to try to tell you something of the profound impression it made upon me. His courage and his patience, the serene gratitude for his life and indomitable cheerfulness made one have a new view of life and death. Surely it was true of him that he was being made perfect through suffering. … It will be a consolation to remember how pain and illness only brought into stronger relieve the grandeur of his character.”

(I don’t know what the association was with Lord Robert Cecil. The only other mention of him in this record is in a letter from Sylvia to Dolly Ponsonby in August 1906, which may be found in its proper place).

[AB: Lord Robert Cecil, Q.C., (1864-1958) was a lawyer, politician and diplomat, the son of Lord Salisbury, three times prime minister under Queen Victoria. Cecil was one of the chief architects of the League of Nations, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1937.]


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