Letter from Margaret to her father, the Rev. John Ll. Davies, 14 June 1906
Egerton House, Berkhamsted
Thursday (14 June 1906)
Dearest Father,
I seem rather needed here – and Sylvia has been getting in rather a panic abt my going – so I have decided to stay till Saturday – when Sylvia and Mr Barrie will both be coming down for Michael’s birthday. Crompton I think will come for Saturday – and on Monday a Miss May, a very nice governess they know, will come from 5 in the afternoon to 9 next morning. We must consider what can be done after Ipswich…
I saw our beloved Arthur again yesterday – and he looked and seemed to me decidedly better. The face was a little burning, but Roughton expressed himself satisfied in the evening. I fear Arthur seeing too many people, and trying to get on too fast.
It is so hateful to think of the other operation, tho’ so slight a one, next week…
George had a fight today at school, leaving the boy lying weeping in the field! He is to see Arthur on Sunday.
The children are all delightful. I think you wd. much enjoy Michael and Nik-o.
Your M.
Peter's comments:
Margaret had become inured in her girlhood to schoolboy fights, from the days when “the mighty Hippo“ used to challenge all comers at Barford’s. (See much earlier passages in this desultory record, dealing with the early days of that generation of Davieses in the 1870s.*)
[AB: *I will get round to transcribing these earlier volumes one day, but since they are entirely concerned with the Llewelyn Davies family – nothing about the du Mauriers let alone of course Barrie – I have thought it best to start in 1889 on the eve of Arthur’s engagement to Sylvia.]
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